These symptoms appear 2 days before a heart attack! Do not ignore

24 sep 2024

Many signs can be seen in the patient’s body before a heart attack, ignoring which can prove fatal for the patient. Symptoms appear in about 50 percent of people a few days before an attack. Damage to the heart can be avoided to a large extent if its symptoms are attended to in time. According to doctors, 10 to 2 days before a heart attack, our body gives many signals.

Rapid breathing:Rapid breathing or shortness of breath can also be the first signs of a heart attack. Sometimes people may suffer from allergies or other problems. But be careful not to ignore these signs.

Back pain:back pain or stiffness in the waist can also be symptoms of a heart attack. If such symptoms appear, contact your specialist immediately.

Dizziness:A few days before a heart attack, the patient may feel dizzy again and again. If you’re experiencing frequent weakness or dizziness, definitely get checked out by your doctor.

Jaw Pain:Some patients may experience jaw pain. People often mistake such symptoms for dental or jaw-related problems. If such symptoms appear, seek the help of your doctor immediately.

Chest pain:The patient feels pain around the chest or arms. If you notice such symptoms, do not forget to consult a doctor.

If such symptoms appear, consult a doctor.