Chandigarh, March 15 (News Punjab) Till date only one confirmed case of COVID-19 (Corona Virus) has been reported from the State of Punjab. The case had travel history of Italy and was checked at Amritsar International Airport and admitted at GMC Amritsar and is stable now. His family members are negative and are stable.

Govt of India is sharing daily lists of passengers of travel from different foreign countries with the State. The passengers are screened at port of entry at Delhi or other airports. As a matter of precaution and to ensure surveillance of each and every passenger, State Govt is visiting and calling every passenger daily till surveillance period of 14 days from day of arrival.

Screening and Management Status 15.3.2020:-

Lists of passengers received 6886
Total No. of passengers contacted by Deptt of Health 6283
Total No. of patients crossed 14 days observation out of 3950
Total No. of samples tested 100
Total No. of patients tested positive till date 1
Total No. of patients tested negative out of 95
Results awaited 4
Total No. of patients under surveillance 2333
Hospital Observation 08
Home surveillance 2325


Two facilities with 500 beds have been established for quarantine of passengers coming from China, Italy, Iran Korea, France, Spain and Germany at Amritsar and SAS Nagar.

3 passengers are under Government quarantine (2 from Germany and 1 from France) at Amritsar and all are stable.

Department of Health has taken IMA (Indian Medical Association) on board for collaboration with State for management of COVID-19