Principal, Staff & Students plant medicinal saplings at Govt State College of Education

18 September 2024

In an effort to promote environmental awareness and highlight the importance of natural resources, a medicinal tree plantation drive was successfully launched at Nanak Bagichi in Government State College of Education, Patiala by the Principal Dr Depinder Kaur on Tuesday.

The drive saw enthusiastic participation from students, teachers, and others. The Director Commercial PSPCL Er. Ravinder Singh Saini was among those who planted plants on the occasion. He was a Special Invitee at the event.

The drive was aimed at planting a variety of medicinal trees, including neem, tulsi, amla and Moringa, known for their therapeutic properties and environmental benefits. The Principal Dr Depinder Kaur said the drive has been launched with the objective of fostering a deeper connection between students and nature. She said medicinal trees, apart from their ecological significance, also play a crucial role in traditional Indian medicine systems like Ayurveda and Unani, which gaining much significance in the present era. Citing example, she said the neem tree is known for its antibacterial properties, while amla is rich in Vitamin C and is often used in natural remedies.

The Principal Dr Depinder Kaur appreciated the efforts of the students and teachers who made the event a grand success. She said it is our duty to teach students about sustainable practices and the value of nature. This event is just the beginning of many such initiatives in the future, she said, adding that the college would take full responsibility for the nurturing and care of the planted saplings.

The Director Commercial PSPCL Er. Ravinder Singh Saini also spoke about the vital role trees play in maintaining ecological balance. Highly appreciating the college for organising the drive, he emphasised the need for conservation efforts and encouraged the younger generation to actively participate in such green initiatives. He added medicinal trees not only purify the air but also provide us with life-saving remedies. He added this event is a step toward a greener and healthier future.