PPCB distributed 2500 PPE coverall kits to PGIMER, Chandigarh; PBTI, Mohali, IMTECH, Chandigarh and Forensic Science Lab, Mohali

News Punjab

Patiala , July 29 – Today Prof. SS Marwaha, Chairman, PPCB distributed 2500 Coverall kits toPGIMER, Chandigarh; Punjab Bio-Technology Incubator, Mohali, Institute of MicrobialTechnology, Chandigarh and Forensic Science Laboratory, Punjab at Mohali. The kits were purchased by the Board under the GEF-UNIDO-MoEFCC Project on Environmentally Sound
Management of Medical Wastes.

Prof. SS Marwaha, appealed to the general public that in the present situation
of COVID-19 pandemic, it is duty of every citizen of India to abide by the Govt. Guidelines
being issued from time to time such as maintaining proper social distancing and wearing masks

         Er. Krunesh Garg intimated that PPCB has purchased 10,000 PPE Coverall kits amounting to
Rs 40 Lacs which is being distributed amongst the HCFs, ULBs, Labs of the State and UT,Chandigarh. The PPE Coverall kits are being distributed by the Board for use by the personshandling the COVID-19 waste as they being the most prone to the COVID-19 related infection.

He brought out that management and treatment of biomedical waste generated from Covid-19
patients in this stage of pandemic is of utmost importance. CPCB has issued guidelines
regarding management of waste generated from the Treatment/Diagnosis/ Quarantine of
COVID-19 Patients and recently 4th Revision of the Guidelines has been issued by CPCB on
21st July’ 2020. In the state of Punjab there are five common biomedical waste treatment
facilities authorized for collection, transportation, treatment and disposal of biomedical waste.
Around 281.3 tons of Covid-19 biomedical waste has been collected and treated till date by 5
Common Biomedical Treatment Facilities in the state.
Er. Pardeep Gupta, Chief Environmental Engineer, PPCB and Er. SS Matharu, Environmental
Engineer were also present during the occasion.