DC give positive response on mix land industry on web meeting

Ludhiana, 1 may (news punjab) Mr Mahesh khanna arrange a web meeting of industrialists with Dc Pardeep Aggarwal & police commissioner Rakesh Aggarwal. Industrialists rase issue  on reopen of industry in mix land and master plan area  .its deeply discussion about the reopen Mix Land and master plan areas industry again startup with DC Ludhiana Mr. Pardeep Aggarwal Ji, CP Ludhiana Rakesh Aggarwal problems discussed by industrialists and exporter Mr Charanjit Singh Vishakarma ji, Avtar M B Exports Limited, Rana ji, Rishi Bansal and Hardeep singh, Chauhan and Gaurav Sood. they reply very positive for run industries and ensure us alwys ready for help.