Mann Ki Baat: In Mann Ki Baat, PM said- ‘Family politics suppresses new talents

New Delhi:25 august 2024

The 113th episode of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Mann Ki Baat programme was held today. In Mann Ki Baat, PM Modi discussed with the founder of Galaxy-I startup. This startup belongs to the students of IIT Madras. The students told that our satellite will be launched next year. We have also participated in that. Dynasty politics suppresses new talent. Our youth want to come into politics, they need proper guidance. Prime Minister Modi said that in 21st century India, so many things are happening which are strengthening the foundation of developed India. For example, on this 23rd August, all of us countrymen celebrated the first National Space Day.

Last year on this day, Chandrayaan-3 successfully landed on the Shiv-Shakti point on the southern part of the moon. India became the first country in the world to achieve this proud feat. This year, from the Red Fort, I have appealed to connect one lakh youth without political background to the political system. There has been a tremendous response to my statement. This shows how many of our youth are ready to join politics. They are just looking for the right opportunity and the right guidance. This time the campaign ‘Har Ghar Tiranga Aur Poora Desh Tiranga’ was at its peak. Amazing pictures related to this campaign have emerged from every corner of the country.

We saw the tricolour fluttering on houses – saw the tricolour in schools, colleges, universities. People put the tricolour in their shops, offices, people also put the tricolour on their desktops, mobiles and vehicles. This campaign has tied the whole country together and this is ‘Ek Bharat – Shreshtha Bharat’. In the small village of Barekuri in Tinsukia district of Assam, people of the Moran community live and in this village live ‘Hoolock Gibbon’, which is called ‘Holo Bandar’ here.

Hoolock Gibbons have made their home in this village. You will be surprised to know that the people of this village have a very deep connection with Hoolock Gibbon. The people of the village still follow their traditional values. That is why they did all those things, which further strengthen their relationship with Gibbons. Our young friends of Arunachal Pradesh are also second to none in their love for animals. Some of our young friends in Arunachal have started using 3-D printing technology – do you know why?

Because they want to save wild animals from being hunted for their horns and teeth. This team, led by Nabam Bapu and Likha Nana, does 3-D printing of different parts of animals. Something amazing is happening in Jhabua, Madhya Pradesh, which you must know about. Our sanitation-worker brothers and sisters have done wonders there. These brothers and sisters have shown us the message of ‘Waste to Wealth’ by turning it into reality. This team has created amazing art works from waste in a park in Jhabua.

Many start-up teams in our country are also joining such efforts to promote the environment. There is a team named Econscious, which is using plastic waste to make environment-friendly products. We celebrated the festival of Rakshabandhan on 19 August. On the same day, ‘World Sanskrit Day’ was also celebrated all over the world. Children’s nutrition is the country’s priority. Although we focus on their nutrition throughout the year, but the country focuses on it for one month. For this, Nutrition Month is celebrated every year from 1 September to 30 September.

Many methods like nutrition fair, anemia camp, home visit of newborns, seminars, webinars are adopted to make people aware about nutrition. Mother and Child Committee has also been established under Anganwadi at many places. Last year, Poshan Abhiyan has also been linked to the new education policy. The focus has been on the balanced development of children through this campaign ‘Poshan Bhi Padhai Bhi’. You should also definitely join the nutrition awareness campaign in your area. Even today, people in the country and abroad show special attachment towards Sanskrit. Various types of research and experiments are being done on Sanskrit language in many countries of the world.