Bicycle manufacturers seek help from Union government to save Atlas bicycles from closing down ,on World Cycle Day – Special economic package for bicycle industry and equal GST,on purchase & sales . Demands- UCPMA.

News Punjab 
Ludhiana, June 3: On the occasion of World Bicycle Day, the bicycle industry today asked the Government of India to announce a special package to save the bicycle industry in the country.  Here at the New Cycle Market, Mr. Achhru Ram Gupta, Senior Vice President, Wholesale Bicycle Dealers Association and Mr. UCPMA, Finance Secretary, led by Mr.  Mr. Manjinder Singh Sachdeva, General Secratory Ucpma & Publicity Secretary Mr. Rajinder Singh Sarhali and Mr.  Secretary Valaiti Das Durga expressed concern over the closure of the First Bicycle Industry of India (Atlas Bicycle )due to financial constraints . UCPMA requested for a special package to revive the Bicycle industry.The leaders said that if the government did not pay attention to the bicycle industry, the country’s bicycle industry would be completely destroyed due to the Corona epidemic.  They said that at present the bicycle industry was being over burdened by the interest of banks of heavy loans and the bicycle industry needed to be saved.
Mr. Achhru Ram Gupta and the leaders of the bicycle industry said that due to wrong policies of GST, crores of rupees of the bicycle industry are still blocked with the government & to get GST refund. Is very tough.The leaders demanded from the GST Council that the tax rate on sale of bicycles and purchase of raw material should be made equal.  They also said that the slogan of Make in India would be successful only if help was given to revive the 75 year old bicycle industry.
 To encourage cycling in the cities, the Punjab Government should build separate cycling lanes so that  safety to the cyclists is maintained.