Meeting for identification of Potential Cluster i.e. Personal Protection equipment Manufacturer’s Cluster under MSE-CDP held today

A meeting for identification of Potential Cluster i.e. Personal Protection equipment Manufacturer’s Cluster under MSE-CDP was held under the Chairmanship of G. M. Mr Mahesh Khanna

News Punjab

Ludhiana, May 22: A meeting for identification of Potential Cluster i.e. Personal Protection equipment Manufacturer’s Cluster under MSE-CDP was held under the Chairmanship of General Manager, District Industries Centre, Ludhiana Mr Mahesh Khanna at GMDIC office, here today. This meeting was also attended by Deputy Director Mr R K Parmar, Cluster Incharge Mr Deepak Chechi, Assistant Director MSMEDI, besides others.

The industrialists attending the meeting shared their experiences as to how they become manufacturers of Personal Protection equipment’s items such as PPE Kits, masks, gloves and others. A PowerPoint presentation was also presented before the participants by Mr S B Singh of M/s Taran industries.

Mr RK Parmar Deputy Director MSME – DI , Ludhiana and Mr Deepak Chechi Assistant Director MSME – DI , Ludhiana guided the stake holders about procedure of selection of cluster and encouraged the stake holders that they shall organize themselves as Special Purpose vehicle by mode of forming company which should be registered under section 8 of company Act 2016, and shall also submit potential cluster performa as early as possible on the web portal of DC, MSME ( GOI ) so that their proposal may be attain legal sanctity from competent authority by adopting due process and also motivated the stake holders that they should also file concept note on the same portal.