State & Centre Govt. to support Industry to overcome Labour shortage


Skill development center established by Govt. are not successful to provide skilled manpower to the industry

News Punjab

Ludhiana , May 19 – Sardar Upkar Singh Ahuja, President & Sh. Pankaj Sharma, General Secretary, CICU jointly said that Factories and Business houses started operating slowly. It will take time for the business to back on track. Labour will be a major bottleneck for production. CICU urged Govt. to take following activities.

Trains to be started immediately without charges for U.P, Bihar, Uttrakhand to Punjab free of cost, so that labour can able to return.

To facilitate local youth to work in industries, State Govt. must take proactive actions like buses from villages to industrial areas. It will help local youth to get job, knitwear and garments industry worries as summer season they lost business. Winter season orders & Supply is not sure. June, July & August is peak season for booking order & production, knitwear and garment industry worried about labor shortage, Local women works can get job easily in industry.  CICU keeping in view labour shortage advised its members to take following activities to overcome the labour shortage, moreover suggested Govt. few action, which will help industries and Society in large.

20% Local youth to be employed by the industries, 20% women workers to be deployed in factories, 20% reduction in labour through process improvement, Low cost automation etc. CICU endeavor is to bring the business back faster, so that industry in Punjab could survive.

Skill development center established by Govt. are not successful to provide skilled manpower to the industry. Moreover, Skill development budget to be passed to the industry, so that they can train their own manpower.

In the light of above CICU wrote a letter to Hon’ble CM Punjab and Hon’ble Minister of Ministry of Human Resource to be proactive and support the Industry in tough time.