CICU Delegation met & Welcomes Dr. Amarpal Singh, Director, Industries and Commerce Punjab

Dr. Amarpal Singh, Director, Industries and Commerce Punjab assured that Govt. of Punjab will resolve the issues being faced by the industry.

A delegation consisting of Sh. Upkar Singh Ahuja, President and Sh. G.S Dhillon Vice President met and welcomes Dr. Amarpal Singh for joining as Director of Industries and Commerce Punjab. Sh. Vishav Bandhu, Joint Director at the Department of Industries and Commerce, Punjab was also present.

They had a detailed discussion related to the Use of Ground Water, PSIEC-related issues, Industry in Mixed Land Areas, issues related to PSPCL, Exhibition ground and other industrial issues were discussed.

Dr. Amarpal Singh, Director, Industries and Commerce Punjab assured that Govt. of Punjab will resolve the issues being faced by the industry.