QUICK ESTIMATES OF INDEX OF INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION – Released All India Consumer Price Index (CPI)-Monthly changes in the General Indices and CFPI


Delhi ,12 APR  – ( PIB ) The Quick Estimates of Index of Industrial Production (IIP) are released on 12th of every month (or previous working day if 12th is a holiday) with a six weeks lag and compiled with data received from source agencies, which in turn receive the data from the producing factories/ establishments.

2. For the month of February 2023, the Quick Estimates of Index of Industrial Production (IIP) with base 2011-12 stands at 138.7. The Indices of Industrial Production for the Mining, Manufacturing and Electricity sectors for the month of February 2023 stand at 129.0, 136.8 and 174.0 respectively. These Quick Estimates will undergo revision in subsequent releases as per the revision policy of IIP.

3.        As per Use-based classification, the indices stand at 139.7 for Primary Goods, 104.4 for Capital Goods, 143.2 for Intermediate Goods and 164.0 for Infrastructure/ Construction Goods for the month of February 2023. Further, the indices for Consumer durables and Consumer non-durables stand at 108.4 and 154.3 respectively for the month of February 2023.

4.        Details of Quick Estimates of the Index of Industrial Production for the month of February 2023 at Sectoral, 2-digit level of National Industrial Classification (NIC-2008) and by Use-based classification are given at Statements I, II and III respectively. Also, for users to appreciate the changes in the industrial sector, Statement IV provides month-wise indices for the last 12 months, by industry groups (as per 2-digit level of NIC-2008) and sectors.

5.        Along with the Quick Estimates of IIP for the month of February 2023, the indices for January 2023 have undergone the first revision and those for November 2022 have undergone final revision in the light of the updated data received from the source agencies. The Quick Estimates for February 2023, the first revision for January 2023 and the final revision for November 2022 have been compiled at weighted response rates of 92 percent, 94 percent and 95 percent respectively.

6.        Release of the Index for March 2023 will be on Friday, 12th May 2023.


Consumer Price Index Numbers On Base 2012=100 For Rural, Urban And Combined For The Month Of March 2023

The National Statistical Office (NSO), Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) has released All India Consumer Price Index (CPI) on Base 2012=100 and corresponding Consumer Food Price Index (CFPI) for Rural (R), Urban (U) and Combined (C) for the month of March 2023 (Provisional) including CPIs for Sub-Groups and Groups for both All India and all States/UTs.

2. The price data are collected from selected 1114 urban Markets and 1181 villages covering all States/UTs through personal visits by field staff of Field Operations Division of NSO, MoSPI on a weekly roster. During the month of March 2023, NSO collected prices from 100% villages and 98.5% urban Markets while the Market-wise prices reported therein were 90.4% for rural and 93.4% for urban.

3. All India Inflation rates (on point to point basis i.e. current month over same month of last year, i.e. March 2023 over March 2022), based on General Indices and CFPIs are given as follows:

All India year-on-year inflation rates (%) based on CPI (General) and CFPI: March 2023 over March 2022

  Mar. 2023 (Prov.) Feb. 2023 (Final) Mar. 2022
Rural Urban Combd. Rural Urban Combd. Rural Urban Combd.
Inflation CPI (General) 5.51 5.89 5.66 6.72 6.10 6.44 7.66 6.12 6.95
CFPI 4.66 4.82 4.79 6.60 5.09 5.95 8.04 7.04 7.68
Index CPI (General) 178.0 176.3 177.2 177.9 175.6 176.8 168.7 166.5 167.7
CFPI 172.9 178.4 174.9 172.9 177.4 174.4 165.2 170.2 166.9

 Notes: Prov.  – Provisional, Combd. – Combined


4.          Monthly changes in the General Indices and CFPIs are given below:

Monthly changes (%) in All India CPI (General) and CFPI: March 2023 over February 2023

Indices Mar. 2023 (Prov.) Feb. 2023 (Final) Monthly change (%)
Rural Urban Combd. Rural Urban Combd. Rural Urban Combd.
CPI (General) 178.0 176.3 177.2 177.9 175.6 176.8 0.06 0.40 0.23
CFPI 172.9 178.4 174.9 172.9 177.4 174.4 0.00 0.56 0.29

           Note: Figures of March 2023 are provisional.


5.             Next date of release for April 2023 CPI is 12th May 2023 (Friday). For more details please visit the website www.mospi.gov.in

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