One Day Capacity Building Training Program on Energy Efficiency & Conservation in Textile & Dyeing Industries

News Punjab

Upkar Singh Ahuja, President, CICU graced the program as Guest of honor. While welcoming all the dignitaries, he mentioned that for the benefit of Textile & Dyeing Industries, Mahatma Gandhi State Institute of Public Administration, Punjab (MGSIPA) and the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), Government of India, organized a One Day Capacity Building Training Program on Energy Efficiency & Conservation in Textile & Dyeing Industries at MSME-Development Institute, Ludhiana.

The program was inaugurated by the Chief Guest of this program Sh. Virender Sharma, Director-MSME-DI, Ludhiana.

The program was introduced by Sh. Krishan Kant Singla, Principal Scientific officer, PSCST, Dr. Sanjeev Chadda, Prof. & head- MDC, MGSIPA, and Sh. R.C. Dahra, Consultant- Industries, MGSIPA.

The Technical Session was given by Sh. Sunil Lohar, Ex. Zonal Head, Forbes Marshall, Sh. Manpreet Singh, Accredited Energy Auditor & GM, project, AADTECH India Pvt. Ltd., Sh. Yogesh Sood, Technical Consultant, International Copper Association India, and Sh. Mandhar Agnihotri, Certified Energy Auditor, IECS.

Sh. S.B Singh, Joint Secretary CICU was also present in this meeting.