Rajindra Hospital Patiala Scripts Another Success Story By Ensuring Recovery Of COVID Positive Patient From Mechanical Ventilation


CORONA Positive Female Patient Was Admitted in Critical Condition Due to Shortness of Breath
Rajindra Hospital Succeeds To Treat 456 Mild and Critical COVID Patients
The SpO2 of female patients is 97.7 percent, which is considered a success for the doctors of Rajindra Hospital.
News Punjab
Patiala, August 9: Scripting another success story in curing CORONA positive patients, a dedicated team of Doctors (Frontline Warriors) at COVID ICU, Government Rajindra Hospital, got  major success in relieving a 50-year-old Ludhiana based corona infected woman from Mechanical Ventilation. She was admitted to the hospital in critical condition due to difficulty in breathing. She  is now recovering from her critical situation due to the hard work of the hospital doctors.
Government Rajindra Hospital Medical Superintendent Dr.  Paras Pandov said that Shukla Devi, a 50-year-old woman from Ludhiana, was admitted to the Covid Isolation Ward on the night of July 31 in critical condition with 65 percent SPo2 and respiratory supporting system.
Observing the deteriorated condition of this female patient, she was taken care of immediately and treatment was started but the patient could not hold her breath so she was given oxygen through Bipap.  Despite this, the patient could not breathe, as a result of which the patient was put on ventilator machine that night.
The condition is considered very serious for the patients but due to the hard work of the doctors and better treatment the patient’s life was saved and 3 days later the ventilator tube was successfully removed from his trachea.  Since then, the patient’s condition has been improving day by day and she is now recovering.  The SpO2 of female patients is 97.7 percent, which is considered a success for the doctors of Rajindra Hospital.
Appreciating the hard work of the para medical staff and health workers including the member doctors, incharge of the COVID isolation facility,  COVID Care incharge Mrs. Surbhi Malik said that under the direction of Chief Minister Capt. Amarinder Singh, Medical Education and Research Minister Mr. O.P.  Sony and Principal Secretary D.K.  Tewari,  the entire team is working tirelessly to defeat COVID-19 under ‘Mission Fateh’ round the clock.
She added that Rajindra Hospital Patiala has cured around 456 COVID Patients who were admitted/referred here for mild/crotical symptomatic condition.Photo Caption- Shukla Devi, A COVID Positive Patient From Ludhiana  Who has been extubated after three days of mechanical ventilation.