CICU Took-up the issue of Exporters regarding EXPORT cargo stopped by District Magistrate of Nadia near Petrapole (West Bengal)

News Punjab

Ludhiana , July 16 – Sr. Upkar Singh Ahuja, President & Sh. Pankaj Sharma, General Secretary,CICUin a press statement said that exporters are facing problems regarding the cargo being stopped by District Magistrate of Nadia’s order under lockdown instructions to be quarantined for 7 days. These consignments are for Bangladesh.

Sh. Sarvjit Singh, Co-convener of CICU Export Promotion Committee added that these cargos are not meant for unloading or processing in West Bengal and merely transiting through. If it will quarantined for 7 days, Industry have to pay high cost i.e., truck demurrage charges and the delay in goods movement, will affect the business. As industry is already reeling under recession due to Covid-19 and cannot afford the high cost burden for quarantined for 7 days.

CICU sent representation to DGFT, Ministry of Commerce, Hon’ble Chief Minister & Chief Secretary, West Bengal and Hon’ble Chief Secretary Punjab to resolve issues being faced by the exporter.